Your pre-notifiqation guide

What is Notifiqation and who is it for?

Notifiqation is the place for business owners, investors, operators and executives working in the traditional economy, building, growing and expanding so called “boring businesses” which actually are not so boring and have a huge impact on the economy.

Here you will find best practices uses cases, real-life stories of how technology can impact your business and help it grow. You will find insights, know-hows, real life examples, success stories, strategies and news about digital transformation all explained in simple and practical way for you to become more equipped with the right knowledge to give you the ability to make better and more informed decisions.

This is the place where notifications have an impact!

We will challenge the myths and common opinions about digital transformation, automations and innovations in traditional economy to give you just the useful insights without the noise and a lot of fancy words that mean nothing.

Looking forward to this journey together!